18 de abr. de 2011

Perseguindo Natalie Cole

Valeu nossa tentativa. Fizemos carta, camisas e fomos ao show (eu e minha irmã). Conseguimos entregar uma carta e uma camisa para o Edgard Radesca, que estava com um crachá da produção. Pedimos que ele levasse até ela. Valeu pelo belo show e pelo nosso esforço. A cada experiência, maior é o aprendizado. A seguir, a carta que encaminhei:

Dear Natalie Cole,

My name is Edison Souza, I’m a nephrologist and I work with renal transplant, besides being a teacher at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (The local State University).

I’m a big fan of yours but today I want to address myself not to the singer but to the woman who had the courage to tell the world about her coming back to life after a kidney transplant. You have a new kidney and a new life thanks to organ donation, an act of love.

As a doctor, I think I have a mission: to help people to save their kidneys: early detection and treatment can help delay renal disease’s progression and prevent kidney failure.

A very simple exam is essential to evaluate kidney function: the creatinine blood test.

With this in mind I decided to get into politics and today I’m a City Councillor of Rio and I chose to be known as Dr. Edison da Creatinina (Creatinine). That’s my slogan and my motto: save your kidneys through creatinine test, which can tell how well the kidneys are working. Being tested is easy and can help people to save their lives.

I’ve seen your many interviews and I’m eager to read your memoir LOVE BROUGHT ME BACK. I admire your courage to share your story and to support organ donation. I also know you’re a UKRO spokesperson.

I’m happy you’re back on the road and I want to invite you to join me in this campaign to spread that a simple creatinine blood test may save lives. Let’s spread that word: CREATININE. It’s a lifeguard.

Let’s promote organ donation campaigns. I’ll go to the show to applaud the singer and the courageous woman. May you be blessed,

Yours, Dr. Edison da Creatinina

Nota: Premiada com nove Grammy, a cantora norte-americana Natalie Cole, que fez vários shows no Brasil e no sábado, 16 de abril, no Rio, vai lançar seu segundo livro, desta vez sobre a história da sua doença renal crônica, cujo desdobramento foi o transplante de rim, em 2009. A famosa cantora tornou pública a história da sua doença e a divulga sendo porta-voz de uma organização sem fins lucrativos com base em Los Angeles, a University Kidney Research Organization (UKRO), que apóia a pesquisa relacionada à prevenção, tratamento e erradicação de todas as formas da doença renal. Veja também a entrevista concedida no Programa do Jô, da TV Globo.

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